Friday, April 4, 2008

Guest Speaker, Eugene Lee

This Tuesday, we have a guest speaker, Eugene Lee, in class. His background is pretty impressive. Like many Korea-American kids, with their parents’ super high expectations, he attended super universities and become a super man in his career. Super! I am wondering if his 10-year-old girl is given the same expectations as he was. Ha.

The main topic of his speak focused on applying Wiki into running his company. A new idea“enterprise 2.0” is pretty inspiring. Due to the features of his company, I believe there should be no problems to carry into effect from up to bottom, How about “ school 2.0”? Without saying there are several obstacles ahead, but educators should try to overcome them in this digital age.

According to Eugene, the core wiki use:
1. Collaborative intelligence
a. Securely communicate &share dynamic information across the enterprise.
b. Great for field sales & marketing teams comprised of employees & external partners.
2. Participatory knowledgebase
a. Capture & organize together content from customers & internal experts.
b. Great for technical support & customer service.
3. Flexible client collaboration
a. Efficiently manage complex projects with geographically dispersed teams
b. Great for extranets where connecting with.
4. Business social networks: discover the experts & tap the innovation.

1 comment:

Come and See Africa said...

I thought Chinese parents expect their kids as much as Korean parents. Am I right?